
Allen A66 Lung Infections Drop : Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, FAQ

Allen A66 Lung Infections Drop

Manufacturer Allen Homoeo & Herbal Products Ltd
Composition empty space
Type Drop
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How to use Allen A66 Lung Infections Drop

A66 LUNG INFECTIONS DROPS Indications- swelling of the lungs, Pneumonia, Irritation and swelling of the Pleura, Pleural effusion, coughing?ng, Sputum production, Pleuritic chest pain, Shaking chills, Shortness of brEath, Rapid shallow brEathing and high temperature. Composition Each 5ml. has: Aconitum napelles 3x 0.50 ml Bryonia alba 3x 0.50 ml Ferrum phosphoricum 3x 0.25 gm Iodium 3x 0.25 ml Kali carbonicum 3x 0.25 gm Kali muriaticum 3x 0.25 gm Lycopodium clavatum 3x 0.50 ml Rhus toxicodendron 3x 0.50 ml Sulphur 3x 0.50 gm Chelidonium majus 3x 0.50 ml Sanguinaria canadensis 3x 0.50 ml Antimonium tartaricum 3x 0.50 gm In Aqua Destillata. dosage: Take 8 to 10 Drops in half cup of water daily 4 times. Or as guided by the medical specialist. Use under medical supervision.

How Allen A66 Lung Infections Drop works in the body

According to scientific research, this medicine works in the body per below(ME/1)

Read the label of the pack to understand about how this medicine work in the body. Because function of this medicine may vary as per used ingredients to prepare it.


What are the Side effects of Allen A66 Lung Infections Drop

Scientific studies indicate, below mentioned side effects may occur while taking this medicine such as(ME/2)

  • Not enough or limited scientific data available for side effects of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any side effects may occur after using this medicine.

Precautions to be taken while taking Allen A66 Lung Infections Drop

As per several scientific studies, some precautions need to be taken while taking this medicine such as(ME/3)

  1. Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with food of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any interaction may occur if taken with food.

Safety instructions before taking Allen A66 Lung Infections Drop

  • Alcohol : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with alcohol of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any interaction may occur if taken with alcohol.
  • Pregnancy : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction during pregnancy of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any interaction may occur if taken during pregnancy.
  • Lactation : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction during lactaction of this medicine, or read the label of the pack to understand about if any interaction may occur if taken during lactaction.
  • Kidney : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with function of the kidney of this medicine, or, read the label of the pack to understand about if it affects with function of the kidney.
  • Liver : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with function of the liver of this medicine, or, read the label of the pack to understand about if it affects with function of the liver.
  • Driving : Not enough or limited scientific data available for interaction with function of the brain of this medicine, or, read the label of the pack to understand about if this medicine affects with function of the brain such as sleepiness and alertness.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What should i do if i forgot to take Allen A66 Lung Infections Drop

A: Take it as soon as possible.

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